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news archive
By popular request, we've kept some of the older stories here as a useful resource. Click here to go to the current news section.

Protesters build pink castle in the middle of a proposed GM Test site. Respect! (May.02)

Mayday 2002 Mayday Festival of Alternatives
Reports and comment from this year's Festival of Alternatives.

Reclaim the Streets: Sydney central (30.Mar.02)
Peaceful Australian street protest.

Brian Paddick campaign (Mar.02)
Latest news and protest info about Brixton's controversial cop

Barcelona protests (17.Mar.02)
Report from the big anti-capitalist demo in Spain

Anarchists hijack police protest (13.Mar.02)
Fun and games outside Parliament

Argentinian Embassy occupied, London (11.Jan.02)
23 arrested after a group of Anarchists occupied the Argentinian Embassy in support of the peoples' rejection of their 'leaders'. More info and photo on the bulletin boards

World opinion opposes Afghanistan attack (21.Nov.01)
Analysis by Dr. David Miller

Terrorism Act updates (23.Nov.01)
The real state of emergency - is the UK about to be turned into a police state?

Blasting Our Way to Peace (15.Nov.01)
The West's "victory" is a defeat for civilisation

The New War Against Terror By Noam Chomsky (24.Oct.01)
(Transcribed from Chomsky's talk at The Technology and Culture Forum at MIT)

Reclaim the Streets (27.Oct.01)
Steet protest in Washington DC

Ronnie McDonald kidnapped!
The terrible story...

Stop the war protests (23.Oct.01)
Massive protests are expected in response to US bombing of Afghanistan. See the War on Terror homepage, the events diary and bulletin boards for updates and info.


Cannabis Laws eased (23.Oct.01)
The government finally sees sense! BBC Report

America's Pipe Dream (23.Oct.01)
The war against terrorism is also a struggle for oil and regional control

Censored! (22.Oct.01)
The Big Issue's top five 'censored' news stories, 2001

Critique of the Afghan crisis and media representation.

World Trade Centre attack(11.Sept.01)
Reaction and comment as it happened.

Disarm the Arms Traders protest (11.09.01)
where's the press coverage?

Pie-tastic! (05.Sept.01)
Danish anti-environmentalist author Bjorn Lomborg gets his just deserts in London!

Mcdonalds sponsors Labour conference(30.Aug.01)
Where Labour really stands on globalisation:,

Genoa anti capitalism protest (22.07.01)
Comment, reports and reaction.

Hastings Bypass cancelled! (12.July.01)
Major road protest averted as government unexpectedly cancels the proposed bypass. Comment

Star Wars Base invaded! (03.July.01)
Greenpeace protesters dressed as missiles outflanked the supposed 'inpenetrable' security at the UK Menwith Hill base, near Harrogate, North Yorkshire, at 5am. The protest is against American plans to use it as part of the "Son of Star Wars" national missile defence programme. BBC report here

Is Dancing Terrorism? (03.July.01)
FBI brands Reclaim the Streets as 'terrorists'.


Police attack Barcelona rally (24.June.01)
Police fired rubber bullets and tear gas into anti-globalisation demonstrators on the streets of Barcelona today. Over 20,000 protesters were on the streets and there have been some reports of property damage. See BBC report

Gothenburg violence (16.June.01)
Three protesters are shot and over 600 people detained after anti capitalist protests in Sweden take the police by surprise. The police, who used live rounds because, "rubber-coated bullets were not available " were forced to retreat before a 2,000+ crowd, abandoning their vehicles as they found themselves outnumbered. Check out the bulletin boards for updates.
More: BBC and Indymedia

Election 2001
Comment and analysis from the UK election snooze-a-thon - or just shut them up here:
Hague, Blair, Hague or give them all a slap!

Crystal Palace Park- success! (15.05.01)
Green space saved for London

Mayday 2001 (11.05.01)
Stories, reports and analysis from the Mayday action.

Kick the Money out of Football (11.05.01)
It's time to abandon the corporate clubs, says George Monbiot

A database of the innocent? (01.04.01)
Rising concerns about the Home Office's DNA database

Zapatista Caravan hits Mexico City (15.03.01)
Tens of thousands greet Subcommandante Marcos and EZLN leaders


newLabour-newTerrorists (20.02.01)
Terrorism Act becomes law
New Act will make terrorists of us all (22.02.01)

Norway's shame (14.02.01)
Whale-slughterin' Norway is now intent on wiping out half its wolf population after a tiny amount of sheep have been killed. There are believed to be only 40 wolves in the whole of the country. The cost of this carnage? A mere £600,000.

urban75 - the ultimate homage! (21.01.01)
Play 'spot the difference' between our design and that of Narconen, a Scientologist-related drug 'chatity'.

Hackney Council (04.01.01)
Campaign against massive cuts in Hackney Council's Budget continues

Simon Jones result! (22.12.00)
After a two year battle, Euromin boss will face manslaughter charges over Simon Jones' death. Report:


Fuckwit of the week:
Step forward Anne Widdecombe! In response to Hague's demands for yet more stop and searches in the street, she added, "We should all take the attitude that if we are stopped that is a cause of gratitude, not resentment". Someone, please, slap some sense into her.

Anti-globalization: one year later
Huge listing of protest reports, video and sound from the excellent Indymedia.

Eco-chickens on the loose! (20.11.00)
Big birds shut down importer of GM soya.

fuckwits of the month
Nikon, for their 'icon' ad campaign featuring photographs of 'alternative' youth, tattoos and street types under the banner, 'reclaiming their streets'. Tossers.

Ban Fossil Fuels? (09.11.00)
George Monbiot argues that it's the simple solution to climate change - and quite a lot else besides.
let's hear YOUR opinion!

The case for confrontation (26.10.00)
Si Mitchell argues that real change will never happen as long as our disobedience is submissively civil.
Reaction: Riots don't progress the cause
let's hear YOUR opinion!

Prague S26
More reports of police brutality.


Not satisfied with opening five new restaurants a day, every day, McDonalds now wants to grab a King sized slice of the global e-commerce pie. Their new company, called the FS Network, is poised to become the biggest global electronic marketplace for the entire food service industry. Using their considerable clout, McD will create 'efficiencies' in the market, which means restaurants worldwide would buy food, equipment and supplies from them instead of independent companies.

Traffic fumes 'kill 20,000 people a year in Europe'
Startling report from health journal, The Lancet (01.09.00)

Severn Revels Festival
The Police get way too heavy... (16.08.00)

200 Londoners "Dump the Pump for Good"
A better way to save petrol money!
(more: 'Dump the pump' fuels inequality)

RIP bill passed
Your emails are no longer safe
(also: 3 min Guide to R.I.P and email tapping

Police to track mobile phone users
New technology allows police to track your every move.


Genetic trials trashed!
9 out of 48 farm scale trials damaged or destroyed within the last three weeks (more genetics news here).

G8's island hideaway 'virtually' surrounded
Drop the debt campaigners target the meeting of the world's richest 8 nations (G8) at a remote Pacific Island

Genetic crops trashed!
The last remaining test site in the South East of England was torn up today by protesters with three arrests. (background and links here)

Terrorism bill becomes law
One of the most oppressive UK laws of recent years has just been passed.

We're All Paranoid (WAP)
Phone taps, cameras, ID cards and more...


Global Day of Action against Capitalism
Date for your diaries: September 26 2000.

Reclaim the Streets: Dublin
Report from Ireland's first RTS!

Mayday 2K, London
News, reports and photos from the huge 'guerrilla gardening' action in the heart of London

MI5 builds new centre to read e-mails on the net
Look out! MI5's going to be snooping through your private mails.

Washington DC: World Bank protests
Reports, photos links and comment here.
A30: New Prevention of Terrorism Act Imminent
Background to the Act and details of big action for the 30th April
Drug Czar says, "let's test air tickets for drugs"
In a move that confirms the absolute idiocy of the government's out-of-touch-clueless drug policy, 'drug czar' Hellawell has announced proposals to test air tickets for traces of drugs. Inspired by the fact that 80% of all UK banknotes contain traces of cocaine, Hellawell hasn't seen fit to work out that this means that it's not unlikely that thousands of entirely innocent people will also be found with these same traces - from their own cash.
Cairngorm Funicular Railway
Highland environment threatened by leisure development


Hockley Wood evicted
Hockley protest site has been evicted. A new site has been set up at Ashingdon, about 20 mins from Hockley, protesting against a proposed 7 acre housing development by Wilcon Homes. Nearest train stations: Rochford, Hockley. Directions: from Rochford train station, go along Ashingdon Road, turn into Brays Lane, turn into Golden Cross Road - the site is on this road. Eviction is expected very soon. People are desperately needed. info:
Greenpeace stops GM ship
sixty thousand tonnes of genetically modified soya stays out of Britain!
West Country Activist Newsletter: Feb 2000
All the latest updates and stories
Stop the Birmingham Northern Relief Road
Campaign targets banks.
Glen of the Downs:
Latest updates from Ireland
Faslane arrests
Police arrested 179 protesters as they tried to blockade a nuclear submarine base. In a protest backed by James Bond star Sean Connery, around 400 anti-nuclear demonstrators converged on the Faslane Naval Base, where Britain's Trident nuclear submarines are based, according to organisers. They blockaded the main entrances in a bid to halt work at the facility. A Strathclyde Police spokeswoman said 87 women and 92 men had been arrested and would be charged with minor public-order offences.


Gorse Wood eviction in progress
Bailiffs have removed all the tree dwellers from Gorse Wood today, but at least five protesters remain underground, with heavy steel and concrete fortifications making eviction difficult. More info at their website
An activist's guide to the Terrorism Bill
Updated and extensive guide to proposed legislation that could decimate the direct action movement in the UK

London Assembly Green candidate found not guily over cannabis carnival
US Senate clamps down on drug info
Harsh censorship bill unanimously backed by Senate goes before the House subcommittees
Millennium Critical Mass report
Sound systems and punctures!
Terrorism Bill
campaign groups could be targeted under' JackBoot' Straw's latest piece of liberty-bustin' legislation. More info: the end of direct action?
GM food banned at Monsanto canteen
another PR disaster for the GM giant!
latest update from charity that exports used bikes to poverty zones.
latest press release from top video activists
New Camp at Stanton Moor and Nine Ladies
quarry development threatens wild moorland
(17.12.99) N30 anti-WTO Protest
Reports and pictures of the action from Seattle and London.
M&S get their knickers in a twist over GM cotton
Campaign to stop the internet legislation
The government has proposed a new bill which would let the police read your private emails. (24.11.99)
When protest becomes 'terrorism'
proposed government bill targets activists
Seeing is believing
virtual advertising hits the footie pitch
Steal something day!
anarchists urge you to purloin!
West Country Activist Newsletter
loads of news, reports on a wide range of issues.
Millennium Wheel protest!
Get the background info behind this innovative demo against dam construction in India and Spain
Reclaim the truth
RTS submit complaint about Sunday Times arms allegation.
slap the evil dictator Jiang Zemin!
Evil dictator Jiang Zemin gets the red carpet treatment during his visit to the UK. Play this Shockwave game and hit back at the man responsible for millions of Tibetan deaths. (you'll need Shockwave and it's a hefty 250k download)
Rancid camera!
The rise of CCTV in the UK


Look out for a new drug hitting a rave near you...
Campaign Against Tube Privatisation
An argument for rail nationalisation
The Road to Seattle
Activism on tour as international activists tour U.S. to counter the world trade organization and expose the horrors of corporate globalization
Reclaim the Streets: Nottingham
Fun and games as the party kicks off!


Archive: Arthurs Wood evictions
Two protesters remain underground after 17 days
Photos of 170 people police want to arrest for the June 18th City of London demonstrations have been circulated to 42 police forces around the country as well as a gallery of mugshots on the web: As a result people have already been arrested. Remember, it is the responsibility of the police to prove it's you and not somebody who looks similar. If you are arrested contact a solicitor (Moss and Co 0171 240 6350 or Bindmans 0171 833 4433).


Don't stop the carnival!
May Day festival organiser charged by Lambeth Council
End of the world - official!
UN Environment Program's report on the state of the Earth's natural environment
Manchester Airport - latest
Evictions are continuing today on the site of the proposed second runway development, as campaigners fight to stop trees being felled. Yesterday a naked woman protester, Zoe 'Fungus' Weir, 24, held up baliffs for five hours as she climbed into a tree house at Cedar's Wood, claiming she would sue anyone who touched her for sexual assault (nice one, Zoe!). The major protest camp at Arthur's Wood is now being targeted where there is around 40-50 protesters camped in trees and tunnels. A spokesman for the under-sheriff said that the operation may take several weeks. Get to the camp! 0161 227 9014 / 0797 4803732


the Police state gets closer
the proposed Electronic Communications Bill will let the police tap into your emails at will
off the shelf murder at Defence Systems and Equipment International Big Sale!
Free the world bike ride
Wet, but worthwhile!
Tap into the UK!
New figures reveal the highest ever UK phone-tapping figures
a subculture of publishers tell it how it is!
Latest news from the continuing campaign


Hidden extras
homelessness and second home ownership
Nestlé - the bastards!
rad the depressing facts
West Country Activist newsletter
latest reports of regional actions and protests - including the infamous cow arrest!
Concealed Transmissions
tales from a pirate radio...


Students fight back!
A National Non Payment Collective has just been launched to help co-ordinate the fight against tuition fees around the country. A briefing pack will be available soon from It's been estimated that students owe up to £15 million in upaid fees.
Anarchy in the UK
the media's fascination with anarchists.
Shamrock Farm protest
arrests as a monkey farm is targeted
Sunday Times - undermining protest
The Sunday Times pulls off a few dodgy strokes and even tries to hoodwink urban75!


Hill Grove Farm closes!
After years of protest, the cat-torturing farm is finally closed! (14.08.99)
121 Centre evicted
Riot police storm the building - read this report and get emailing! (13.08.99)
New Millennium, new money
It seems that big business wants to sponsor time itself: the chimes of Big Ben are due to be sponsored on midnight, Dec 31st 1999. Dong! buy Pepsi! Dong! Eat at McShite Dong! Buy Nike! Dong! fuck off!
Jolly good sport
The government has announced a new sports minister, Kate Hoey. Sadly, her idea of 'sport' is fox hunting. Arse.

Global meltdown
laughing in the face of disaster?
Acquitted hunt saboteurs call for public inquiry
Victory for the Sabs!
Stop the crop! Rally Destroys GE Test Site
500 Peaceful Protesters Decontaminate a 24 acre Farm Size Trial as Resistance to Genetix Grows.
(22.07.99) Squatters Estate Agency Opens
positive action to help the homeless
GM crop blitzed: 20 arrests
At 6.45am today, 30 Greenpeace activists were arrested after ripping up a GM test crop in Lyng, Norfolk. Those arrested included organic farmer Lord Melchett. The field was part of the T25 GM maize test and locals had long asked for its destruction, fearing contamination of crops and honey.
Ship of fools - Nuclear fuels go on tour!
(BNFL). Sellafield has begun a major operation to ship reprocessed nuclear fuel across International waters to Japan.
Everything must go!
Welcome to the shady world of the Private Finance Initiative...
Monsanto loses its hormones
Amazingly, the European Union routed an American attempt to force us to accept one of the most unpleasant technologies food scientists have ever devised.
Genetics: Stop the Crop National Rally - 18 July 1999
Over 500 protesters trash one of the UK's main GM test sites, and the police get heavy.


Newbury Bypass: it's a waste of money - official
After spending more than £125 million on the Newbury Bypass and sparking off one of the biggest environmental battles in the process, the bypass has only succeeded in cutting rush hour traffic in the town by a mere 15%. This figure is set to go even lower with Vodaphone's proposed green belt development attracting even more traffic through the town. Lib-Dem Council traffic spokesman, David Beckett, admitted that the new road has not eased rush hour traffic as much as the Highways Agency promised, hinting that the new road may encourage people to drive who didn't before. He agreed that Newbury's traffic problems will soon be back to square one. But that still hasn't stopped the Lib Dem MP for Newbury declaring the bypass the "fulfilment of my dreams". Arse.
Police smash rave
Last night hundreds of police, some dressed in riot gear, broke up an illegal rave in Worcestershire. 12 out of around 300 ravers were arrested after police were called to the rave in an orchard in Cropthorne, near Evesham. After their first attempt to break up the party failed, the police retreated till 5am, when riot police cleared the site. It's nice to know that vital police resources are being used to catch the really dangerous criminals, isn't it?
Ring this number!
The Prime Minister and the Chancellor have told Comic Relief that if they can prove that enough people want to cancel the debt owed by Third World Countries, they will act to stop the suffering. So just call the number below and add your name to the telephone petition Freecall 0800 55 66 96
Hillsborough Boycott
the background story behind the boycott in May, 1999.
(updated 09.07.99)

International Day of Action
Check out our huge new section full of personal reports and loads of top photos from the action.
(updated 09.07.99)
Are Nike calling all the shots?
Is big money destroying football?
Stonehenge invaded!
There were over 23 arrests today at Stonehenge as 500 people broke through the outer fencing to get close to the stones for the Summer Solstice. A huge presence of riot police resulted in many arrests, mainly for trespassory assembly under the delightful ol' CJA.
Stonehenge rave busted!
another free party hits the dust...
Toffs run rampage!
A train driver taking back race-goers from Ascot yesterday was set upon by a group of drunken toffs wearing top hats and morning suits, who proceeded to trash the cab and then beat up the drivers mate. The driver later said, "If this is the elite of society, God help us"
(Source: Daily Express 19.06.99)


Look out UK, the Leviathan has arrived....
The countryside and Britain's new class politics
George Monbiot's excellent article on the countryside vs townies
Hacienda squatted!
Mad for it party goers take over Manchester's famous Hacienda for a night!
121 Centre - still alive!
The 121 Centre in Brixton is still in occupation 132 days on from the attempted eviction! (11.06.99)
Monsanto - feeding the world?
Genetically modified monsters Monsanto are making some pretty bold claims for their technology...
Genetics Test-site finder!
Find your nearest Genetically Modified Crop test sites at the touch of a button with Friends of the Earth's Genetic Crop Test Site Locator!


Cannabis in Bloom!
The beautiful collection of plants outside Rob Christopher's shop in Glastonbury won the 'Glastonbury In Bloom' award - but then a passing policeman recognised them as cannabis! Christopher, who runs a shop selling natural products, including hemp products, was found guilty of cultivating cannabis and given a conditional discharge at Taunton Crown Court and ordered to pay costs of £1,029. He was charged under the name Free Rob Cannabis, which he adopted by deed poll after being charged, and throughout the hearing was referred to as Mr Cannabis. Mr Cannabis also suggested the council should be arrested, for they too were "guilty of cultivating cannabis by watering plants" that had mysteriously found their way into a number of public displays throughout the town. Top man!

The Government wants your secrets
So, you're sending mail that's sensitive and confidential, but thanks to PGP encoding, you can be sure that it stays confidential, right? Well, not if the government gets their way - they want you to hand over copies of your PGP key into a few centralised locations. There'll be no way of guaranteeing the safety of these keys, even though they might unlock millions of pounds worth of commercial and personal data. Check out the excellent STAND- campaigning for safe e-commerce legislation website and find out how to wise up your clueless MP!


Crops trashed!
Eight test sites growing genetically modified oil seed rape got a good kicking last Friday, in an action that could well have set the commercialisation of genetic oil rape back 12 months. According to the Genetic Engineering Network this takes the number of sites that have been decontaminated this year to 14. And as the Ambridge crew point out "this is only the start of the summer!"
Nestlé in the dock
Nestlé have been criticised for their "irresponsible promotion" of milk products in the developing world.
SchNEWS: new book!
urban75's favourite activists have a fab new book coming out. Go on. Spend!
The final edition of the "alternative news video" is out now featuring workers aid to Bosnia, pie attack, Big Brother awards, Adbusters, plus all yer global direct action news available for £15 from 16B Cherwell St., Oxford, OX4 1BG Tel 01865 243562 visit their website
Bomber caught
Police have reported that a 22 year old man has been charged with the three bombings (Brixton, Brick Lane, West End) in London recently. Despite claims from several right wing organisations, it appears that this fuckwit was acting alone. urban75 extends its deepest sympathy to those injured.



Genetics victory!
The two women who faced charges of conspiracy to cause criminal damage for removing GM maize from a test site have had their charges dropped... (09.04.99)
New attack on civil rights
Thought things were going to get better under Labour? Think again...
McLibel appeal: the verdict
The latest verdict on the long running trial described by Channel 4 as 'the biggest Corporate PR disaster in history'. (31.03.99)
Forests for the chop
Every hour, at least 4,500 acres of tropical forests fall to chain saws, machetes, flames or bulldozers, and another four plant or animal species become extinct. (29.03.99)
Crystal Palace evicted!
The last protesters were finally kicked off the site yesterday. Read the full story. (26.03.99)
Herbal highs to be banned?
Drug companies are sensing that there could be cash to be made from killing off the competition...
Bumper Politician email list!
Having trouble getting through to your local MP? Drop them an email from here...
Ashton Court farewell
Ashton Court was donated to Bristol on condition that nothing 'would detract from its value as a recreation ground or prejudice the enjoyment of the people'. So how are they getting away with building a dirty great big quarry smack in the middle of it?


Camberwell College occupation
Another student protest kicked off this week, this time in the Editor's old college. They've just been booted out by the London Institute. (13.03.99)
Goldsmith's College Occupation
In protest at the hefty £1,000 tuition fees being foisted on students (remember Blair's mantra of Labour's supposed priorities: "education, education, education"? He clearly doesn't), students have occupied the Psychology wing of Goldsmith's College and barricaded themselves in. The urban75 editor - still paying off a hefty £4,000 student loan of his own says, 'nuff respect!' Meetings are in the Whiteland Building, Goldsmith College, Dixon Road New Cross SE1 5pm every day. Contact 0181 692 1406/0797 9896545(04.03.99)

Mods and Rockers
Monsanto and their cohorts dish out PR cash to push their feelthy modified food on the public. (05.03.99)
Celebration of Cannabis
Read about the one day international festival in London and worldwide that took place on May 1st 1999

Fur trade fights itself!
In the wake of Maria Eagle's Private Members Bill to ban fur farming, the fur trade has started to fight amongst itself. Joy! (21.02.99)

Genetically Modified Tony!
It seems that Tony likes genetically modified food so much, he's mutated into a videogame puck! (you'll need the Shockwave plug-in for this to work)

The Right to roam?
Are we getting fair access to our land? (10.02.99)

Mumia Abu-Jamal
The story of the Jan 28th 1999 concert

the fight for free education
Labour's only too happy to keep piling the pressure on students by forcing them further and further into debt. (01.02.99)

Manchester Airport
More woodland for the chop....(25.01.99)


Portsmouth Three
Hunt sabs in the dock (20.01.99)

Reclaim the Streets target London Underground
RTS take action against the impending privatisation of the system. (04.01.99)

New camp at Siston Common (nr Bristol)
Campaigners dig in against the Avon Ring Road (05.01.99)

Word is that the police are getting out of hand at the protests against Hillgrove - the charming establishment where cats are bred for vivisection. (18.12.98)

Birmingham North Relief Road evictions
Hey! Who needs officially designated Green Belt land when you can still build a private 6 lane toll motorway straight through the middle of it? (11.12.98)

Mass Trespass!
The Land is Ours campaign group have been regularly trespassing on private land all around the Brighton area. Find out why. (winter 98)

Meet the new boss.. same as the old boss
Thought things were going to get better under Labour? No chance. Yep, Jack Straw's at it again with his new scheme to make prospective employees fork out a tenner to 'prove' to their bosses than they have a clean criminal record. (15.12.98)


Millennium Chaos
The year 2000 will soon be upon us amongst growing fears that the government is playing down the possible impact on the UK. A leaked Government memo admitted that troops may be needed to maintain emergency services. (30.11.98)

1st Annual Big Brother Awards
As the government employs ever more sophisticated means to keep track on its citizens, Privacy International has launched its first Orwell's Oscars (30.11.98)

Barry Horne quits hunger strike
Animal rights activist Barry was on hunger strike for Labour to fulfil their pre-election pledge of a Royal Commission on animal experiments. (27.11.98)

Toytown Camp
Road protest at Cheltenham. (29.10.98)

Newbury Bypass opens
After one of the longest eco-battles in the UK, the bypass finally opened in secret. (19.11.98)

Shell and Nigeria
"The multinationals, in collaboration with the military, have waged a very vicious and relentless ecological war on our land." - Oronto Douglas, founder of the pan-ethnic CHICOCO movement in the Niger Delta. (23.11.98)

Living Marxism - Festering Fascism?
Are Living Marxism against environmental campaigning and radical action? George Monbiot takes a look... (Nov 98)


Pie crazy!
The chief executive of one of the world's biggest corporations, the genetic giants Monsanto, was struck in the face with a tofu creme pie on Tuesday night at the "State of the World Forum" (27.10.98)

Forced Labour
Once again, those on benefits are being targeted and turned into scapegoats. (21.10.98)

Live Exports doomed?
Britain's live animal export trade was dealt a potentially fatal blow yesterday when the Government announced it was revoking the license for one of the country's largest sheep dealers. (22.10.98)

Multinational Mayhem
"In 1985, the 200 largest multinational corporations alone had combined sales of $3 trillion, equivalent to one third of total global output, and also controlled over two thirds of world trade" (16.10.98)


Huge genetics database!
Check out the International Genetics Database jammed packed with useful web contacts and sources

Free Speech?
The Ecologist pulped its October edition criticising genetic giants Monsanto, fearful of a protracted civil libel case. Is this another case of corporates silencing its critics? (08.10.98)

Superstore slow death
Are huge supermarkets like Tesco responsible for destroying the very fabric of community life? (25.09.98)

Ashton Court and SSSI's
They may be Sites of Special Scientific Interest but the corporates still get their way. (18.09.98)


Labour and transport - more of the same...
Despite all the promises, it looks like Labour's transport policy is doomed to be more of the same old empty rhetoric. (10.09.98) See also: Bunk the tube!

Step forward that tight-trousered, lardy-arsed oaf, Jeremy Clarkson, for this display of total fuckwittery in the Radio Times: "If others want to save the planet, that's up to them. I'm too busy going to parties."


Police bungle!
Hear about the police officers who managed to set fire to a haystack and their own police car? (28.06.98)

An Activists' Guide to Exploiting the Media
An excellent new guide available which offers useful advice on how to publicise your event and make sure it gets the coverage it deserves.

New deal or raw deal?
The truth behind New Labour's Welfare to Work... (March 98)

The Conference on Climate Change in Kyoto ended in farce with the American corporates calling the tune and destroying any hope of international agreement on any meaningful cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.

A new report links the Co-Operative bank - a company well-known for their ethical stance - with the dreadful vivisectionists, Huntingdon Life Sciences, infamous as the first establishment to have two of their technicians convicted of cruelty to animals.

We here at urban75 look forward to Labour honouring their pre-election pledge and banning this dreadful sport once and for all. Some chance...

Legal disclaimer: Urban75 does not encourage anyone to take part in any illegal activities. Oh no, not us. These reports are for information purposes only and we are absolutely mortified by the prospect of anyone breaking the law to protect animal life, the environment or to uphold basic human rights. We think that you should all just play the lottery, sit back and let it wash all over you and let our honest politicians take care of us all.. After all, they do a good enough job of looking after themselves... (....cough)
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