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dots! world DOT_CLICKING competition
Are you a dot-thumpin' champ or a dot-missing chump?

Simply hit the 'start' button below and click every dot that appears. If you whap the dot you get a point, but if you miss you lose a point.

You've got 30 seconds. Go!

So, are you a dot-thumpin' champ or a useless chump?
Check out your score with the Dot Clicking Analyser TM below:

00-09 - What?! You surely are a losser/lamer/looser/LaMeRz etc
10-19 - Pah! Well limp stuff.
20-29 - Deeply, deeply average.
30-39 - Hey, not bad but could be a lot better.
40-45 - Wooargh! Great score!
46-49 - Yowsa! Hot stuff!
50-55 - Scorchio! You are the Dot Click King!
56-59 - Wow! Are you sure you only have one mouse attached?
60-65 - Booyaka! Awesome score!
66+   - Undisputed king of the dot-clickers!

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